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  • Japanese Celebrations: Cherry Blossoms, Lanterns and Stars!

    Japanese Celebrations: Cherry Blossoms, Lanterns and Stars! $21.95

    The people of Japan love to celebrate! In fact, they love it so much they have a day of celebration, whether it's a change in season, a religious observance, or just a special moment in life, every month of the year...

  • Jingu: The Hidden Princess

    Jingu: The Hidden Princess $20.95

    To young Princess Jingu, the Japanese Imperial Palace in the 4th century is full of secrets. Why is she not allowed any visitors or friends when other children run and play together? Why is she the only princess with a...

  • Tasty Baby Belly Buttons

    Tasty Baby Belly Buttons $22.00

    According to legend, Japanese villagers once lived in fear of great hulking ogres called Onis who considered babies'' belly buttons the tastiest of all treats. When they raided a village it was the babies they stole. In a...